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"Very good"

A review of Dracup Lodge by Maryam written on Thursday 25th of March 2010


This nursery is very good becuase i send my children here and they love it and they always want to go there. I would recomend this to any parent that is wanting to find a nursey for their child. The staff are friendly and so are the students that work there. I really like all the staff that wroks there becuae they are always nice to me and my children that go there. I would like to recomend that this nursery is never closed because Varginia Ribinson is doing a great jo with opening this nursery . I wiuld really like to meet vaginina well they call her Ginny becuase its short but she soun'd really nice and so does Caroline and Leanne they all sound really nice and my children really like them too and they are aleays talking about them that they are really good and want to go there all the time becuase they like the place so much thankyou to all the staff that works there becuase they have looked after my children and i really appreciate it for all the hard work that they have done to make the nursery so good for the children thankyou so much once again for all the hard work that hasgone into thins nursery xxx. .

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Dracup Lodge

Map showing Dracup Lodge on Dracup Road