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A review of Dr S Gowa by MENASH MOSES ELIAS written on Sunday 26th of June 2011


Hello Mazal,

Its so good to chat with you ,your promptness is great, first of all, Yes I have been to the Promised Land Thirteen times and each time I came it was even more beautiful and sacred.I loved the people and their big heart and could only see one thing people never had time for others,always working and living life kingsize. My last visit was in the year 1991, after which I started my new business and got so involved ,that I could not move anywhere else.

I come from the Moses clan and as legends says ,We are the lovelyest ones.My family is really huge ,we are ten in all, My eldest sister SHOSHANNA, a Doctor in London, My eldest brother RAYMOND,living in Pune owns a stud farm, my second eldest brother ELI THE MASTER BRAIN is in Israel in Rosh Hayin. My other elder brother DANIEL fought the wars for israel and is no more, My next elder brother is Ezra Moses president of the indian jewry and also secretary of Thane Synagogue,My next elder brother SHARETT is here in mumbai gen.mngr sales.& Myself MENASH doing business all my life, then my younger brother ABRAHAM Director of marketing for VATIT.the GEMstone of our family, And then the youngest brother David in London Director galaxy windows, and is our life line always ready to help anyone at anytime, no questions asked,and last my youngest sister REBECCA married and well settled in America..... All are now married and well setteled. we have 25 nephews and neices and 20 grand children and still growing. We are all a very happy proud and united family and though we r far and wide at distant places we r always in touch.

We all love each other and remember that blood is thicker than water, we can reach out to anyone at any time ..

We are the MOSES and MARGRET children, both of whom worked tirelessly to bring us up with the best of education, we are all proud to complete graduation under our parents efforts, We are all proud to having got married under our PARENTS blessings and love. our parents had the blessings to see all their grand children grow up. Today they are no more physically present with us ,but YES Menatlly WE will NEVER be able to ERASE the Teachings and Memories of our Lovely Parents and all the Love between our Brothers and Sisters Is unparalled in todays WORLD..


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